Specialized storage
CryoReliance provides storage under different temperature ranges: +2°C / +8°C, -10°C / -40°C / -60°C / -100°C, -150°C / -196°C and many more on request. The specifications for alarm limits can be defined in any range our customers want.

Currently we store at the following temperatures:
15 – 25 °C (controlled ambient);
5 ± 3 °C (refrigerated);
-20 °C (frozen);
-80 °C (deep frozen);
-196 °C (Liquid Nitrogen).
Other temperatures on request
CryoReliance provides, besides GDP temperatures, also storage under all desired temperature ranges: +5°C / +20°C, -20°C / -80°C / -150°C / -196°C vapor fase and many more on request. The specifications for alarm limits can be defined in any range our customers need.
Service Description
We are dedicated to offering secured and controlled cold storage of your valuable goods under GDP. Working with us means freeing up valuable space in your own premises and in case we are your backup it means reducing business risk.
Via our trusted partner QVM we can offer GDP-compliant and dedicated distribution / transport whereby the cold chain is maintained via temperature loggers.
Our Premises
Our facilities in Leiden and Moordrecht have ambient temperature control, fire alarm and burglary alarm. All our refrigerators and freezers have emergency power from diesel power generators. The temperature of all equipment is monitored in real-time, and backed up off site.