CryoReliance provides storage under different temperature ranges: +2°C / +8°C, -10°C / -40°C / -60°C / -100°C, -150°C / -196°C and many more on request. The specifications for alarm limits can be defined in any range our customers want.
CryoReliance provides, besides GDP temperatures, also storage under all desired temperature ranges: +5°C / +20°C, -20°C / -80°C / -150°C / -196°C vapor fase and many more on request. The specifications for alarm limits can be defined in any range our customers need.

Our storage facillity and services strengthen your global position for the storage and distribution of pharmaceuticals and samples. just in time delivery, packaging, dry ice, cold packs, UN transport materials

The cold chain is essential to both patient safety and product success. It demands flawless execution and traceabillity. We can provide dry ice, packaging which complies with the UN codes, loggers and dedicated transport GDP certified transport